Discovering Unique Market Opportunities

Our business model: giving the world’s best quantitative traders and systematic portfolio managers a state-of-the-art platform to research, build, and deploy their strategies

Putting Ideas into Practice

Supported by a cutting-edge technology stack, our team-based structure gives entrepreneurial individuals the opportunity to turn their trading vision into reality. Our business is purpose-built to support this model.

Inside Our Trading Teams

What do our trading teams look like? Ask a dozen teams and you might get a dozen different answers – but all have the freedom to build strategies and models to support their vision.

Limitless Possibilities

Qualities We Prize


To embrace innovative ideas and make your team as successful as it can be


With teammates, core engineers, and management


To adapt when conditions change suddenly or unexpected events occur


When the going gets tough

Embrace Your Role

Every trading team is unique: a small team might ask employees to wear many hats, while larger ones might have multiple internal teams within each functional area. That said, here are some of the typical roles you might find.

Quantitative Researcher

Leverage proprietary trade simulators and historical market and reference data to detect patterns, make predictions, and define strategies

Quantitative Developer

Develop software and research frameworks that enable cutting-edge quantitative research

Trading Operations

Monitor performance, manage risk, generate reports, and work with Tower’s support teams to implement strategic projects

World-Class Engineering

Much of our success stems from the tight feedback loop between our quantitative trading teams and our core engineering team. Our technologists take direction and build low-latency connectivity, data infrastructure, risk management frameworks, and more. As for how to best use these innovations, that’s up to our traders.

A Culture of Excellence

We strive to support every aspect of our employees’ success and wellbeing. During work hours, our quantitative trading teams thrive in a stimulating, results-oriented environment. In between, we keep everyone happy and motivated through employee events and outings, fun in-office experiences, and support for causes that matter. Take the next step toward joining a team as distinct and dynamic as the systems we build.

Reach Your Greatest Potential

We bring the platform, technology, structure, and scale needed to thrive in today’s markets. The only thing missing is you. Take the next step to learn more about our teams, our hiring process, and life at Tower.