Snarkify Wins E2E Acceleration Prize at ZPrize

Prize 2: Beat the Best (E2E Acceleration)

Prize 2 sought to optimize for consumer-grade devices running MSMs in a browser environment. ZPrize 2022 focused strictly on WASM, but this year, the prize was expanded to  allow competitors to use different web-based technologies including Web Workers, SIMD instructions in WASM, and WebGPU to provide the competitors with more tools to account for a variety of different size MSM problems.

Submissions for this category were judged based on correctness and performance, using Demox Lab’s WebGPU MSM implementation as a baseline. In addition, competitors could choose to submit an implementation for either a BLS 12-377 curve (Prize 2A) or the Twisted Edwards curve variant (Prize 2B). MSM over BLS 12-377 generally improves proof generation times, while the Twisted Edwards improvements affect other UX aspects, such as scanning for unspent transactions on blockchains such as Aleo.

The winners for Prize 2 are:


PositionTeam NameScoreImprovementRepository
1Yrrid Software
940 ms150x
Special mentionGregor Mitscha-Baude2.26 sec30x


PositionTeam NameScoreImprovementRepository
1Yrrid Software
Snarkify ZKP
450 ms~136x
Special mention (best WebGPU solution)Tal Derei (Penumbra Labs)
Koh Wei Jie
1.45 secN/A

Read more here.